Umurimo Kuri Bose USAID (UKB) Activity was a project funded by USAID and implemented by AKAZI Kanoze Access in partnership with Education Development Center;) Its main objectives

Objective 1:  Increase youth employability skills, empowerment, engagement and equity

Objective 2: Promote an inclusive and enabling environment for youth with disabilities to access and succeed in employment; The project addressed an inclusive ecosystem for lasting results, by building upon the USAID Huguka Dukore Akazi Kanoze (HDAK)’s market-driven skills and employment approach. The project target was youth with disabilities totaling 1,560. They were trained, coached, mentored, organized, and facilitated in various schemes which resulted in the establishment of committees in all districts of operation. with a purpose to support inclusion in programming and act as an advocacy arm within the district, it was made by disability representatives, a district officer in charge of disability mainstreaming, an organization focusing on disabled people, the private sector, an officer in charge of sport and culture at the district level, and vice-mayor in charge of social affairs at the district level. Established a business champions network is in line to foster sustainability as a champion 46 to cascade the training further. The main key activities include capacity building capacities of persons with disabilities, supporting DPOs as implementing partners to deliver youth workforce development interventions, and strengthening local structures for sustainability purposes. As co-applicant Akazi Kanoze organized and conducted a training of local government entities, the private sector, and also 1200 youth to undergo youth employability skills training through Work Ready Now! and Be your Own Boss (WRN&BYOB) training program, youth leadership and accompaniment (YLA) and Access to Finance. We supported and coordinated the following organizations to deliver the training and provide accompaniments in terms of social and economic inclusion where youth were facilitated into savings groups and access to capital through bank linkages. Supported implementing partners included the following;

Rwanda National Union of the Deaf (RNUD), Rwanda Union of the Blind (RUB), UWEZO Youth Empowerment, AEE, BENIMPUHWE.

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