About us

Our Background

AKA was created in 2015 as a sustainability initiative from the AKAZI KANOZE: Youth Livelihoods Development project implemented by Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) and funded by USAID, which trained twenty thousand youths, of whom sixty-five percent were employed in the six months following their graduation.
Since its creation, AKA has been engaged in various programs, which include employability skills, access to capital and productive means, access to the market, advocacy, and various other interventions relative to youth empowerment.
Up to date, AKA has undertaken many projects with the assistance of foreign donors and community participation. Now, AKA has the full confidence of donors, community, and Government Institutions in Rwanda and is recognized at the national level due to outstanding services to the people.

AKA has over the years engaged in activities that are driven by programs and policies aimed at influencing change in societies and transforming individuals’ lives especially youths in a positive direction.

At Akazi Kanoze Access, we are proud to Partner and employ a mix of young and old youth with a mission of making AKA a leading organization with a passion for improving livelihood and transformation of youth into a very skilled and productive labor force with decent and dignified jobs.  Mentors and experts with a passion for supporting youth professionals around the world all of whom embody our values of excellence, integrity, professionalism, and innovation. When our youth thrive, our communities thrive and the Nation thrive.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide youth with employability skills, access to capital and other support services to take advantage of economic opportunities.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a leading Organization contributing to youth well-being through employability skills and support services.

Who we are?

AKAZI KANOZE ACCESS (AKA) is a charitable, social, non-profit, non-governmental, non-political organization seeking to provide youth with market-relevant livelihood skills, work readiness training and support, hands-on training opportunities, and linkages to the employment and self-employment job market.

AKA is formally registered with the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) with the certificate No 66/RGB/NGO/2016.

At Akazi Kanoze Access, we offer training empowering employability and careers services to young people with dynamic, interactive, and friendly curriculums (Work readiness, Be Your Boss (Entrepreneurship skills), Grow Your Own Business, offer Post Training Business support, Voluntary savings and loaning (VSLA methodology) and youth carrier guidance services.

AKA provides limitless potential for our youngest citizens, empowering and developing youth for future national development actors.

Our Values

  1. Integrity: We adhere to high ethical standards and principles while striving to be transparent.
  2. Excellence: We strive for a high standard of accountability in delivering, measuring, and reporting to achieve excellent results.
  3. Professionalism: We are committed to meeting our obligations to provide impactful services to stakeholders.
  4. Innovation: We are driven by continuous improvement. We find new ways to make things better. We optimize results by working smarter.
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