Akazi Kanoze Access (AKA) is a youth organization with a mission to contributing to youth social economic empowerment, MESME’s, Entrepreneurship, employability, job creation. AKA has a vast and comprehensive and extensive experience in Entrepreneurship, Employability, promoting SME and it sustains standards with an entry approaches of Work Ready Now and Be Your Own Boss, Start your business, VSLG approach.
AKA beneficiaries constitute an wide Alumni network of around 100,000 people(youth, women, old, people with disabilities)across all communities in Rwanda, the network is AKA efforts to work with development partners in various projects. The beneficiaries are self- employed, wage employed serving in private sector, working for government.
Part of AKA mission is to enhance collaboration, connection and leverage the Alumni network to provide youth with internship and Job opportunities, mentorship, advocacy and get feedbacks with a purpose to improve on AKA services aligning with market needs.